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领馆收到该信后明知碰了一个软钉子,可竟使出颠倒黑白、无中生有的流氓手段来。 当地充当领馆的喉舌的一家华语报纸三月九号声称“美国伊利诺州迪凯特市市长豪利因误导而宣布“法轮大法周”向中方道歉。中国新华社3月7日更是出格地发挥并登出了题为“美国迪凯特市市长就宣布‘法轮大法周’一事道歉”的“华盛顿”谣言,谎称豪利市长致函中国驻芝总领事,说自己读了中国总领事来信和有关资料后,知道自己上了当,很快给总领事回信表示感谢,同时对自己不明就里宣布“法轮大法周”一事表示道歉。”(光明日报 薛福康 2001-03-09) (注:原件http://news.xinhuanet.com/china/20010309/420197.htm ) 那么豪利市长的回信到底是怎样写的哪?法轮功学员克服种种困难找到了市长原信的复印件。市长先生的回信参考译文如下: 总领事XX先生: 谢谢你的回信。 当我们办公室收到正式褒奖的申请时,出示的法轮功信息中阐明了其是一个传统的修炼形式,通过真正提高心性和炼功可以改善心、身、灵。信件中进一步说明了这种功法有显著的减轻压力和身心健康效果。我的助手问了申请人它是否与太极、瑜迦类似,因为她参加过这些课程。申请人回答法轮功也是一种修炼方法。 回应你的来信,我相信为了迪卡特市能最大获益,正式公布的褒奖应只在社区的活动和组织中展示。 谢谢你的回信,如有任何误解我表示遗憾。 此致, 泰瑞.豪利 下面,各位懂英语的可参阅原文,看看能不能找到“豪利在阅读了总领事来信和有关资料后,知道自己上了当;对自己不明就里宣布“法轮大法周”一事表示道歉”等字句: Dear Consul General Ruixing: Thank you for your correspondence, When the request was made for this office to consider an official proclamation, the information that was presented regarding Falun Dafa stated it is a traditional meditation practice designed to improve the mind, body and spirit through genuine upgrade of heart/mind nature exercise and medication. The correspondence further stated the practice has a tremendous effect on stress relief and overall mental and physical health. My assistant who handled this request asked the individual if this was similar to tai-chi and / or yoga because she is familiar and has taken classes. The individual indicated Falun Dafa was also a form of medication. In light of your correspondence, I believe it is in the best interests of the city of Decatur that official proclamations issued by this office will occur only for events and organizations that are represented in the community. I appreciate your correspondence and regret any misunderstanding. Sincerely,
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