电子报 正體版
新唐人开通卫星新频道 覆盖中国 不锁码(图)
【人民报消息】总部设在纽约的新唐人电视台日前开通卫星新频道W5和热鸟6号(Hot Bird 6)。其中W5对亚洲播出无锁码的全天新唐人节目,覆盖中国大陆地区。进入热鸟和W5卫星是新唐人为华人提供自由讯息最新的努力。新唐人目前的卫星群由北美的T5,欧洲的热鸟6号,亚洲的NSS6和W5,及澳洲的NSS6组成。详情请访问新唐人网站www.ntdtv.com。




新唐人总裁李综先生说:“我们对这次国际性的开通深表兴奋。我们很自豪能够对中文媒体的多元化做贡献,同时促进通过卫星的信息和思想的自由流通。我们希望我们的节目能将传统中国文化的精华和21世界的通讯带给世界各地的华人社区。”新唐人电视台创办于 2001年,于2002年2月开始通过卫星在北美播放。此后,新唐人通过卫星,有线电视和互联网将其每天24小时节目扩展到覆盖亚洲,欧洲和澳大利亚。新唐人电视台总部位于纽约,在全球有50多个记者组。新唐人在政治,经济和文化方面客观和及时的报道,以及它结合东西方文化精华的多方位的教育和文娱节目已经为它赢得了国际声誉。


Teresa Morse 610-389-2887
Carrie Hung 917-319-0219



为了更好地为欧洲和亚洲的观众服务,新唐人将于2004年3月31日转由热鸟6号(Hot Bird 6)播放欧洲的新唐人电视频道。原播放卫星T-12的信号将于同时停止。4月2日起,W5也开始对亚洲播出无锁码的全天新唐人节目。新唐人的北美卫星 T5,亚洲卫星NSS6和澳洲卫星NSS6都不变。


位置(Position)东经70.5度(70.5 degree East)
下载频率(Downlink freq)11356.5
前向纠错率(FEC) 1/2
符率(Symbol Rate) 2170


位置(Position)东经13度(13 degree East)
下载频率(Downlink freq)11585
前向纠错率(FEC) 3/4
符率(Symbol Rate) 27500



NTDTV Launches New Satellite Broadcasts to Asia, Europe

New York, April 2, 2004 ── New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV), the independent Chinese-language broadcaster, announced today the start of its new direct-to-homesatellite broadcasting to both Asia and Europe. NTDTV's programs are now available toaudiences in scores of countries across Asia, Europe, and the Middle East on Eutelsatsatellites Hotbird 6 and W5.

In launching this greatly expanded international satellite coverage, NTDTV has workedwith a multi-national consortium of leading companies in the broadcast industryincluding Eutelsat and the London Satellite Exchange. The Eutelsat Hotbird-6 and W5satellites offer unsurpassed coverage and power over Asia, Europe and the Middle East,combined with exceptional reliability. NTDTV's choice of Eutelsat's satellites for thisbranch of its global service is based on both technical merits and on the quality andEuropean charter of the Paris-based company.

This launch is a landmark in NTDTV's development as the world's first independent,non-profit, Chinese-language TV network built by overseas Chinese. NTDTV's missionis to provide accurate information and an open forum for Chinese communitieseverywhere. NTDTV seeks to enrich its viewers' lives, to assist Chinese people livingoutside China to assimilate to mainstream society, and to promote the universal values offree expression and democracy.

"We are excited about our new international launch," said Zhong Lee, President of NTDTV. "We are proud to contribute to pluralism in Chinese-language media, and topromote the free flow of information and ideas via satellite. We hope our programs willbring the best in traditional Chinese culture and 21st century communications to Chinesecommunities worldwide."

NTDTV was founded in 2001 and began broadcasting via satellite in North America inFebruary 2002; it has since extended its 24-hour program to cover Asia, Europe, andAustralia through satellite broadcasting, cable TV and the Internet. Headquartered in New York City, NTDTV has more than fifty reporting crews worldwide. The networkhas gained an international reputation for its objective and timely reporting of political,economic, and cultural stories in the Chinese language, and for multi-faceted educationaland entertainment programs that bring together the finest in both Eastern and Westerncultures.

Further information about NTDTV can be found at its popular web site: www.ntdtv.com

Notice of Replacing Europe T-12 and Adding Asia W5

To better serve European and Asian audiences, starting March 31st, 2004, NTDTV will transmit its European signal via Hotbird 6. The transmission on Telstar-12 will cease at the same time. On April 2, W5 starts broadcast free-to-air NTDTV programming to Asia. NTDTV’s North America’s T5, Asia’s NSS6 and Australia’s NSS6 remain unchanged.

The satellite/transponder parameters of NTDTV channel parameters on W5 are:

Position: 70.5 degree East
Downlink Freq 11356.5
Polarity Vertical
FEC 1/2
Symbol Rate 2170

NTDTV channel on Hotbird 6 are:

Position: 13 degree East
Downlink Freq 11585
Polarity Vertical
FEC 3/4
Symbol Rate 27500

The Hotbird cluster is Europe’s most popular and well-known satellite platform. It reaches an audience of over 100 million. In contrast to T-12, it is also a Direct-to-Home broadcast satellite with stronger signal and smaller dish requirement. W5 is also one of the newest generation satellites with strong signal and good coverage. Launching on Hotbird and W5 is one important step in NTDTV’s relentless striving to provide free and uncensored information to Chinese-speaking people all over the world. Please stay tuned to www.ntdtv.com for more events to follow.

Currently, NTDTV’s satellite fleet consists of: North America’s T5, Europe’s Hotbird 6, Asia’s NSS6 and W5, and Australia’s NSS6.




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