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自從全球最大的華人報紙「大紀元時報」去年11月發表「九評共產黨」社評文章後,飽受中共各種血腥運動迫害的廣大中國大陸民衆,紛紛閱讀和傳播「九評共產黨」文章,並引發了退出共產黨及其附屬組織的大潮。在過去不到一年的時間內,已經有520 多萬中國民衆在「大紀元時報」 上公開發表聲明退出中共,這種人數每天都在增加。


我們從已經曝光和部分曝光的案例中,找出了一部分資訊比較完整的案例 (見附件) ,請總統閣下和美國政府能伸張正義,向因爲傳播九評和聲明退黨而被中共迫害的中國民衆伸出您們的援手。







Letter to President Bush From Global Service Center of Quitting Chinese Communist Party

November 2, 2005

Dear President Bush:

We learned that you will soon embark on a visit to Mainland China, and we wish you and your wife a pleasant trip. We also hope you can pay attention to the severe persecution of people who withdrew from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) by the CCP during your contact and meetings with the CCP leadership. We hope you can openly request the CCP to end the persecution and restore people』s inalienable right to freely withdraw from the Party.

Since the largest Chinese newspaper in the world, the Epoch Times published the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in November 2004, people in Mainland China who lived through brutal movements and persecution launched by the CCP read and spread the commentaries, and a wave of withdrawal from the CCP and its affiliated organizations ensued. Within less than one year, more than 5.2 million Chinese people have published announcements on the Epoch Times newspaper to quit the CCP, and this number is rising with each passing day.

Faced with the Chinese people withdrawing from the Party through completely reasonable, legal and non-violent channels, the extremists and dictators within the CCP not only refused to reflect on the crimes the Party has committed against the Chinese people in the past few decades, but instead they covered up the facts with lies while secretly adopting extreme brutality in dealing with those who quit the Party. Since the beginning of this year, more than 1,000 people who renounced the Party have been abducted and their homes ransacked, they have been fired from their jobs, expelled from schools, sent to prisons and labor camps and even tortured to death. (My brother in-law, Xiansheng Du, was also tortured in Guizhou labor camps simply because my activities in USA and he talked with me before by phone).

From the cases that have come to light, we compiled a list of cases that contain relatively complete information (please see attachment). Mr. President, we hope you and the US government can uphold justice and extend a hand to those Chinese people who are being persecuted because they disseminated the Nine Commentaries and renounced the Party.

Thank you,
Sincerely yours
( Signature )
President of Global Service Center of Quitting CCP

提交給布什總統的 [中共迫害退黨民衆首批七十一案例](略)




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