電子報 简体版
世界10國家地區律師致函李光耀 抗議迫害法輪功







一、 我們非常震驚並且感到憤慨:一個擁有保障信仰自由及表達自由權利的憲法的新加坡,政府竟然做出妨害人民行使此等權利的決定,這使得我們對於新加坡是否有真正的民主制度備感懷疑。

二、 新加坡政府此等行徑在實質上無異是協同及贊同了中共執行滅絕和平的法輪功的精神修煉的政策,包括大舉屠殺及施以酷刑。

三、 國際上所有控訴中共首惡違犯羣體滅絕罪的律師,對於所有像新加坡政府以這種打壓方式,來直接或間接參與、協同或共謀羣體滅絕的個人及政府,將毫不猶豫的在國際層面上進行法律上的控訴。

四、 於此同時,對於違反新加坡憲法及聯合國相關國際法權利及自由規範的非法行徑,世界上各個獨立衛護人權的國際人權團體及組織也將不會坐視,此種違犯更將遭到聯合國人權委員會的譴責!

五、 我們要求新加坡政府證明新加坡是一個真正民主,而非屈從於中共的獨立國家。因此要求強烈要求新加坡政府對這些被非法指控的個人予以撤訴,並聲明他們無罪!


比利時律師:闊達.菲利格律師 (簽名)
國際司法正義協會執行長:Lana Han (簽名)

Guo Guoting, Attorney, China
Terry Stenerson, Attorney, USA
Patrick M. O'Brien, Attorney, USA
Joshua Lanning, Attoney, USA
Stravos Tsakyrakis, Attorney, Greece
Keppy Wong Khai Pun, Attorney, Malaysia
Nik Mohamed Ikhwan, Attorney, Malaysia
Akira Yoshida, Lawyer, Japan
Chin-Nan Gu, Judge, Taiwan
Karen Chen, Attorney, Taiwan
Fran Wang, Attorney, Taiwan
Henry K.M. Chuang, Attorney, Taiwan
Tony Sihdu, Attorney, India

August 21, 2006
Lee Kuan Yew

Dear Mr. Lee

We are writing this letter with deep concern and serious indignation for the attitude shown by the government of Singapore towards the peaceful citizens in that country who are exercising their rights of freedom of expression in order to expose the truth about the brutal persecution that the Chinese Communist Party is waging against millions of practitioners of the Falun Gong spiritual movement.

It has been confirmed that the government of Singapore has initiated legal proceedings against various individuals for the simple reason that they were distributing pamphlets in a peaceful manner in public places to expose the genocide committed against Falun Gong in China. This decision, which in any democratic state is clearly illegal, has caused great outrage throughout the entire international community, which is especially sensible to the atrocities that are being committed by the Chinese government and which also cannot understand or accept that honorable citizens are being denounced, fined and even deprived of their freedoms by a government such that of Singapore which claims to be democratic and respectful of all fundamental liberties.

For all of the above, International Human Rights Lawyers and the representatives of International Associations that investigate the Falun Gong genocide wish to firmly state the following points:

1º).- We are very surprised and indignant to hear that in Singapore, where a Constitution exists that guarantees the rights and freedom of expression and belief, is adopting decisions that impede the free exercise of those rights and liberties, and which also creates doubts about the existence of a true democratic system in Singapore.

2º).- Acting this way, the government of Singapore could in essence be collaborating and justifying the strategy designed by the Chinese Communist Party in its efforts to exterminate the peaceful Falun Gong practice, including torture and mass murder.

3º).- International lawyers who are coordinating these legal cases against Chinese communist leaders in this genocide, will not hesitate to initiate legal actions at the international level against all those individuals or authorities who in any way are direct and indirectly collaborating or are complicit in this genocide by repressive acts such as those that have taken place in Singapore.

4º).- At the same time, different independent international organizations and associations which defend Human Rights will not remain passive in front of illegitimate acts that violate the very Constitution of Singapore, and the International Norms of Rights and Liberties established by the United Nations, which could be denounced before the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations.

5º).- We ask the government of Singapore to show true evidence that it is a legitimate democracy and an independent country that is not subject to the requirements of the Chinese government. Therefore we urge the government of Singapore to dismiss the lawsuits filed against those individuals who have been unjustly accused, withdraw all charges and declare complete innocence to those involved.

We will be vigilant and closely follow the decision that your government takes. We trust that this letter helps to rectify these attitudes which without doubt are neither compatible with democracy nor the defense of human rights.




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