电子报 正體版
【铁证如山系列讲座】第11集再度肝移植免费促销 (图/视频中英字幕)

【人民报消息】这是一部中、英双语版系统地揭露中共活摘法轮功学员器官国家群体灭绝犯罪的大型教学片。影片呈现了追查国际十多年来对中共活摘调查的主要证据。其中包括对5名中共中央政治局常委、军委副主席、国防部长、军方总后勤部卫生部部长、政法委、“610”、法院、活摘现场目击者、全国41家器官移植医院的45个院长、主任、医生等调查录音。是全面了解和深入研究中共活摘罪行的大型速成资料片。 第11集 内容提要 Executive summary: 2017年6月,中国再度出现肝移植免费促销! 中国吉林旅游广播和吉林大学第一医院肝脏移植中心联合发起一个月的10名儿童免费肝脏移植活动(2017年6月1-30日) 供肝来源不透明,是保密的,揭示有不可告人的背景。 June, 2017, in which there was another promotion of free liver transplants in China! From June 1 to June 30, 2017, Jilin Provincial Travel Radio and the Hepatic Transplantation Center of the First Hospital of Jilin University jointly launch a program of free liver transplantation for 10 children. The origins of the liver sources are not transparent and confidential, implying that there is some shady business involved. 《铁证如山-系列讲座》简介 这是一部中、英双语版系统地揭露中共活摘法轮功学员器官国家群体灭绝犯罪的大型教学片。影片呈现了追查国际十多年来对中共活摘调查的主要证据。其中包括对5名中共中央政治局常委、军委副主席、国防部长、军方总后勤部卫生部部长、政法委、“610”、法院、活摘现场目击者、全国41家器官移植医院的45个院长、主任、医生等调查录音。是全面了解和深入研究中共活摘罪行的大型速成资料片。 “Ironclad Irrefutable Evidence” is a Chinese and English documentary series exposing the CCP’s organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners in China. It is a collection of more than a decade of investigation by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG). It includes recordings of evidence from five Committees of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee: the former vice-chairman of the Military Commission, the former Minister of National Defense, the former head of health division of Department of the Central Military Commission, the Political Committee, and Legal Committee; the "610 Office," courts, on-site witnesses; and 45 hospital presidents, department directors, and doctors from 41 organ transplant hospitals in China. It is an informative resource that provides a comprehensive understanding and in-depth study of the CCP’s crime of live organ harvesting.

【铁证如山系列讲座】第11集 再度肝移植免费促销!Episode 11: Another Free Liver Transplant Promotion



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