电子报 正體版
——Former Congressman Tom Tancredo: Rohrabacher is the Only Candidate for Secretary of State

【人民报消息】2016年11月25日,众议院资深共和党议员罗拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)在推特透露,他被告之进入了川普的考虑范围,成为「国务卿」的候选人之一。 他写道:我愿继续为人们的自由而战,并强力支持候任总统川普的治国理念。 在里根任两届总统时,罗拉巴克曾以助理新闻官和「演说撰稿人」的身份,两次在里根身边共工作七年之久。他透露,里根的很多名言是出自他的手笔。 罗拉巴克曾协助里根总统起草一份对华政策文件,其中提到:美国协助建设中国经济的前提,是中共政府要让中国人民有自由、基本权利被尊重。 但是,里根之后的美国总统一代不如一代,只谈贸易不谈人权。 在2012年的一次采访中,罗拉巴克流露出对奥巴马政府对中共姑息养奸的不满。他说,「我们愚蠢的政策,使(中共统治的)中国变成一个世界主要经济体,可却没有(前提)要求其进行政治改革。」 2016年6月13日,美国众议院全体通过了「343号决议案」,要求中共立即停止针对法轮功修炼者和其他良心犯活摘器官,罗拉巴克是发起人之一。 2016年7月,法轮功修炼者集会在华府反迫害,罗拉巴克议员到场支持并发言,他说:「感谢你们的努力,是你们告诉中国和全世界人民中共是怎样的邪恶,我们将战胜这邪恶!来看看我身后的这面美国国旗吧,她象征着自由!」 ◎ 没有比罗拉巴克更亲中华民族的议员了 美国众议院监察委员会主席、加州第46选区的共和党众议员罗拉巴克议员非常有个性,以讲话直言不讳为人所知。他经常斥责中共成立的非法政府,称其为「黑帮政权」。 故意把「中共」和「中华民族」混淆在一起的中共媒体和亲共媒体称罗拉巴克议员为「反华议员」。对此,他在接受美国之音专访时说:「其实我觉得没有比我更亲中(中华民族)的议员了,因为我相信我们将来维持和平唯一的希望就是和中国人民保持非常友好的关系。」 罗拉巴克是少有的敢公开把中共和中国人民严格区分开的美国议员。 ◎ 罗拉巴克退出台湾议员团 罗拉巴克议员非常关注美中台关系。他是众议院台湾议员团(Taiwan Caucus)的创始人。 马英九当政时,立法让中共在台湾合法组党,邀请那些手上沾血的中共恶官访台(这些恶官现在基本都被习近平打下去了),默许中共特务在台北101大厦和总统府前谩骂和殴打佛法修炼者。 罗拉巴克说:「 如果这就是他们现在的政策,那么他们已经不需要美国,当然也不需要我罗拉巴克议员了。」罗拉巴克议员后来退出了台湾议员团。 现在,国民党惨到什么程度?党产全部没收!连工资都发不出来! 种瓜得瓜、种豆得豆。是不。 ◎ 「罗拉巴克是真正了解华盛顿的政治家之一」

11月30日,美国网站《美国思想家》「American Thinker」刊登了一篇文章《达纳·罗拉巴克:唯一把美国放在第一位的国务卿候选人》(Dana Rohrabacher:The only secretary of state candidate to put America first),作者是汤姆·坦克雷多(Tom Tancredo)。他是科罗拉多州第六届(1999年至2009年)国会议员。 坦克雷多议员在文章里说:在所有被考虑的国务卿候选人中,国会议员和前里根政府官员达纳·罗拉巴克是川普的一个完美合作伙伴。 文章说:罗拉巴克是少数几位真正了解华盛顿的政治家之一,没有被腐败。他曾在众议院外交委员会服务将近25年。 文章还说:我有幸在这个委员会中与他一起工作,并且可以亲自证明他是外交领域中知识最丰富的成员之一。甚至像「每日科学」这样的左翼博客也承认他「比叙利亚更了解叙利亚。」他是欧洲,欧亚大陆和新兴威胁小组委员会的主席,此前主持了负责监督国务院的监督和调查小组委员会。他的外交政策经验一直延伸到里根政府,在那里他帮助制定了「里根主义」,这有助于结束冷战。 罗拉巴克对中共操纵中国货币,像川普一样,持强硬反对立场。他意识到伊拉克战争是一个错误,反对干涉叙利亚。他认为「中共国十年的国家建设没有发挥作用」。 唐纳德·川普的「美国第一」贸易保护主义,移民控制和外交政策不干预平台是他的竞选理念的核心。川普需要他的国务卿通过外交、谈判贸易协定、设定难民收容、确保外国接受美国驱逐的犯罪外国人等方面来帮助他完成这些具体政策。这需要一个富有经验的外交政策专家。 文章认为,罗拉巴克是这些国务卿候选人中的唯一合适的人选。因为罗拉巴克很多观点与川普不谋而合,罗拉巴克认为中共统治的中国是一个更大的地缘政治对手,残忍的「伊斯兰国」(IS)对美国的威胁比俄罗斯更大。 前议员坦克雷多认为,那些反对议员罗拉巴克当国务卿的人,说支持当选总统川普的政策,这从逻辑上是说不通的,因为罗拉巴克的很多观点就是川普的竞选口号。 ◎ 罗拉巴克君子坦荡荡
坦克雷多先生说,在歇斯底里反对川普、要求他退选的声浪中,罗拉巴克站出来,指责那些纷纷躲避以求自保的共和党领导人,说他们抛弃川普是「懦弱」的表现。 但罗拉巴克决不是个无原则的老好人,跟他一起工作过的人都知道他不会人云亦云。罗拉巴克衡量「错误」的标准决不跟风,他不会因为政治势力或媒体对川普的负面说辞,或他在意识形态上倾向于反对川普政策的阵营,而是只有他认为自己做法正确,并相信川普正在走错路时,罗拉巴克才会坚持自己的立场,并直言不讳指出川普的错误。 这样的人在古代叫作「忠臣」,现代称为「爱国者」。在国家糟糕到让川普别无选择、硬着头皮冲出来,并成功当选总统的时候,罗拉巴克担任国务卿职务就被提到议事日程上来了,因为他确实是「让美国再次伟大起来」的不可或缺的栋梁级人物。 坦克雷多先生说,正在讨论的其他国务卿候选人不但没有罗拉巴克的经验和经历,而且也不向别人分享和传播川普对外交事务的看法。如果是这样,那总统和国务卿之间的合作必然会发生问题,会产生内斗。 这位前议员以其亲身经历和亲眼所见郑重撰文介绍罗拉巴克,认为这位正直的现任国会议员有品德、有资历和能力担任国务卿。 为了「让美国再次伟大起来」,我们相信当选总统川普会在国务卿人选上做出正确的抉择。(文/黎梓)△ 民意测验请投Dana Rohrabacher一票 (人民报首发) Former Congressman Tom Tancredo: Rohrabacher is the Only Candidate for Secretary of State Author:Liz 【RenMinBao News】On November 2016, veteran Congressional member Dana Rohrabacher revealed in Twitter that he was under consideration for the position of Secretary of State by President-Elect Donald Trump. Congressman Rohrabacher also wrote that his wants to “continue to fight for liberty and freedom as a member of the House of Representatives, as a strong supporter of President-Elect Trump’s vision for America.” During the two Reagan administrations, Rohrabacher worked 7 years as a speech writer and assistant press secretary for President Reagan. He wrote many of the memorable lines for President Reagan. In one of the policy document Rohrabacher drafted for President Reagan, he maintained that the precondition to US’ economic assistance to China is the respect by the Chinese communist government for the basic rights of freedom to which the Chinese people are entitled. However, US Presidents succeeding President Reagan has been placing increasing premium on trade with China rather than human rights. In a 2012 interview Dana Rohrabacher criticized Obama’s economic aid to China which according to him has helped turn China into a world’s main economic power while the policy should have predicated such aid on request for political reform. On June 13, 2016, the House passed H. Res 343 censuring the Chinese government for harvesting the organs of Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience. Rohrabacher is a signer of H Res 343. In July 2016, Rohrabacher came to the Falun Gong rally at Capitol Hill and gave a speech. He thanked Falun Gong practitioners for informing the American people and the world about the manipulation of information that the regime does. He expressed great indignation for some Americans, who should cherish freedom and human rights, but “go there and are only making deals with a regime that represses its people, which murders people–the Falun Gong–and has made a profit in trading and the body parts of people they have murdered.” “This evil has to be stopped,” he said. • No congressional members are more pro-China than Rohrabacher Congressman Dana Rohrabacher is the US Representative for California’s 48th District and chairs the United States House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats. He is known for being direct, often berating the illegitimacy of the Chinese government and calling it “one of the forces of evil in the world,” a “gangster regime.” The Chinese state media and some pro-Chinese government media are in the habit of mistaking “Chinese government” for “China.” They label Rohrabacher “anti-China” or a “China-basher.” Addressing this point, Congressman Rohrabacher said he felt no congressional members are more “pro-China” and “pro-Chinese people” than he is. Calling the Chinese people “one of our greatest allies,” he said he believed the only hope to maintain peace (with China) lies in maintaining friendly relationship with the Chinese people. As such, Congressman Rohrabacher is one of the few congressional members to have the audacity to separate the Chinese communist government from the Chinese people. • Quitting the Taiwan Caucus As a longtime observer of China-Taiwan relation, Congressman Rohrabacher is one of the founders of the congressional Taiwan Caucus. However, he chose to leave it in 2009. Under the leadership of Ma Ying-jeou and Kuomingtang, Taiwan legislators allowed the formation of “Taiwan Communist Party.” Ma also invited to Taiwan those Chinese communist cadres whose hands were tainted with blood. Moreover, Ma Ying-jeou’s government gave implicit consent to pro-Communist thugs as they attacked Falun Gong practitioners in front of Taipei 101. In an interview with Voice of America, Dana Rohrabacher said his resignation was primarily the result of a growing gap in goals between him and Taiwan’s government. Rohrabacher said that he firmly believed in opposing autocracy, but if Taiwan chose to cooperate with China, this participation (in Taiwan caucus) was inconsequential. On a side note, Ma Ying-jeou’s Kuomintang (Nationalist Party of China) has been degenerated to the extent of not being able to pay salary after the freezing of its assets. It does suggest one reaps what one has sown. • Dana Rohrabacher is “one of the few politicians who truly understands Washington” On November 30, former congressional member Tom Tancredo posted on American Thinker an article titled “Dana Rohrabacher:The only secretary of state candidate to put America first.” In the article, Tancredo calls Rohrabacher a “perfect fit” of “all the candidates under consideration.” He also calls Rohrabacher “one of the few politicians who truly understand Washington without being corrupted by it.” Dana Rohrabacher has served in House Foreign Affairs Committee for nearly 25 years. Tom Tancredo served with Rohrabacher on the Foreign Affairs Committee. He can “personally attest” “Rohrabacher was one of the most knowledgeable members on foreign affairs. Even left-wing blogs like the Daily Kos acknowledge that he ‘knows more about Syria than the State Department.’ He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats and previously chaired the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee, which was responsible for supervising the State Department. His foreign policy experience extends all the way back to the Reagan administration, where he helped craft the Reagan Doctrine, which many credit with helping end the Cold War.” Like Trump Rohrabacher takes “strong stance Chinese currency manipulation.” “Like Trump, he realizes the War in Iraq was a mistake and opposes intervention in Syria. He believes that ‘a decade of nation building has not worked’ in the Middle East.” According to Tom Tancredo, “Donald Trump's ‘America First’ platform of trade protectionism, immigration control, and foreign policy non-intervention was the centerpiece of his campaign. He needs his secretary of state to help implement these policies through diplomacy, negotiating trade agreements, setting refugee admissions, and ensuring that foreign nations accept the criminal aliens we deport. This requires a seasoned foreign policy expert whom Trump can trust to stand up to both foreign leaders and domestic critics in both political parties.” Dana Rohrabacher not only shares Trump’s view but his experience and knowledge has made him the perfect candidate. • Someone of Integrity In November 2016, when the Republican establishment was backing away from Mr. Trump during his controversy, Dana Rohrabacher chose to stand up to them. He called these Republicans abandoning Trump “cowardly” and “gutless.” However, it doesn’t mean Rohrabacher has no principles. Anyone who has worked with him knows he will not be swayed by the majority opinions merely because they are majority opinions. Nor would he cave under negative political pressure or the media attention. It is only when he thinks he is in the right and Mr. Trump in the wrong that he will frankly speaks his mind. The role of Dana Rohrabacher is that of a loyal advisor and a patriot. When the country is in such serious trouble that Mr. Trump has to step forth and run for President, the topic of picking Dana Rohrabacher as Secretary of State comes on to the agenda, for he is definitely one of the key persons to make America great again. As Tancredo said, other secretary of state candidates do not have Rohrabacher’s experience and do not share Tump’s views on foreign affairs. Choosing others over Rohrabacher would not help implement Trump’s policy on foreign affairs. Former Congressman Tom Tancredo recommended Dana Rohrabacher for the Secretary of State position based on the former’s personal experience working with the latter. He commends Congressman Rohrabacher on his knowledge, experience, integrity and honesty. To make America strong again, we hope President-elect Trump can make the right decision picking the most suitable candidate for secretary of state. △



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